New landscapes of Gibraltar!


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Gibraltar, Europe
Can others edit my Photos
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Hope u enjoy these!

They were taken today with some serious winds in the area (almost gale force!)

Anyway C&C as usual plz!



and now in B&W. Which ones do u prefer??


Ooooo, that is a rough sea! Boy, those waves DO crash against the cliffs!

I prefer the colour pic to the b&w.
And there was not a trace of Africa to be seen... When I was on Gibraltar, it was a clear day with the bluest of skies, but I couldn't believe the coastline I saw so clearly would be AFRICA! But it was! So I saw it ... and didn't KNOW ;)!!!
yeah on clear days its a beautiful sight, but thenm we have days like this!! lol

the spray of the water was reaching me quite easily about 25m up at least! i was cleaning thelens every 2 seconds! but i think it was worth it.

Could maybe enter the beginner comp here locally with the landscape one?? or needs a lot of work??
Wow! Amazing to have locations like that near you!

I like all of them, but the composition of the last one is my favorite. I wish that the lighthouse was more in focus as opposed to the cliff to the right, but it may have been hard with those weather conditions! Great job anyway :)
cheers lyncca for the comment, but yeah it was impossible to play around with composition, let alone anytheing else!!

thanks for the comments anyway!!!
My fave is also the last one...I like how my eye follows along the cliffs to the lighthouse, and I like the waves crashing against the shore. Very moody pic.
I've not been there since 1984 and I don't recall it looking quite like that. If I was going to suggest anything, it would be to try and lift the contrast a good bit and perhaps try increasing the saturation.

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