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New pic C&C Please


TPF Noob!
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I'm doing the 'Photo-a-day challenge' and I kinda liked this one.

Looks like your WB is off. The pix is noisy, and the shadow is distracting . What's the iso at? The background is distracting.
Try fill some flash.
I believe this was taken using ISO 100, I did edit the image and I may have messed up the white balance myself.
Your white balance is way off. Looks like the lighting was tungsten. If you like it that way that's what matters though.
Thanks for the feedback this is the original before editing, I can see now I messed it up during processing

Thanks for the feedback this is the original before editing, I can see now I messed it up during processing
I disagree that you "Messed it up during processing", I think you saw something you liked.

You were the photographer and it's your shot. Technical errors aside (completely blowing the focus, blown highlights, etc.) all we can get from critique is other people's recommendations as to what we should have done to improve a photograph in their opinion. Whether we choose to listen to that critique is still up to us. If you prefer it yellowed then that's the way you should leave it.

Aside from physical laws (optics, exposure, etc.) there truly are no rules in photography. Even the vaunted "Rule of Thirds" is no more than a recommendation that can be adhered to or ignored at the whim of the photographer. All of the composition "Rules" are simply based on how most people will react to a photograph. They are not cast in stone and not everyone interprets a photograph in the same way. As long as the photographer is aware of the "Rules" and chooses to ignore them for a reason that is his right.

I agree that the color temperature is off in the first one, that's why I mentioned it, but that doesn't make it wrong. So my question remains: Which way do you prefer it?
Personally i think 1 photo a day challenges are a waste of time you will just end up taking a shot just to keep it going with no thought put into the shot, your much better going out with i shot in mind

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