We all have to start somewhere, but this hits so many of the typical photography tropes it almost feels like you're yanking our chain.
These are going to sound harsh, and I'm sorry, but I'm being honest, and someone needs to say it:
- all of the images have such a shallow DOF that parts of the subject are lost
- composition is limited at best
- your website has that excessive watermark, but your images, when clicked, don't
- the excessive watermark, frankly, screams amateur
- your pricing, at best, indicates a lack of familiarity with a working business model
- you're posting to a photography site... not your market since the people here can create their own works
And photography is not this kind of business anymore. It's just not viable. Starting new requires all kinds of different skills with social media and advertising and maintaining a buzz. And anyone who wants a close-up of a grasshopper can do a google search and get a hundred images of higher quality for short money.
This is not to say you can't do a business in photography. It's just to say I think you're very much barking up the wrong photography business tree.