Newbie Question


TPF Noob!
Jan 3, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I was wondering why is it when I develop my photos the edges are often cut off. I know I need to save them differently, but how do I do so? Thanks in advance! I use PS Cs2
Aspect ratio... What is the default aspect ration that your camera uses? I know Canon uses 3:2 by default. This is fine for 4X6 or 6x9 or 8x12.... But if you want a 5x7... Well that uses a different aspect ratio. So either your camera must be set to take pictures in the correct aspect ratio or you need to crop the photo in post (in your case PS).

Read up on Aspect Ratio and learn more about it....
As said above the aspect ratio is different from what your taking to the prints you are making. When uploading these pictures to whatever, web or the instant machine it makes a decision based off the center of the photo for cropping. With that in mind, be sure when taking your pictures not to put whatever subject near the edge of the photo in fear of cutting. And when your about to print, you can either edit the photo in photoshop or specify on the printer where you would like it to be cut.

All print sizes are different also. 8x10 will cut more than a 4x6.
That makes sense, but I have watched photographers and I never see them changing settings on their cameras. They simply take multiple photos during a shoot and then people select whatever size they want for the print to be. What are they doing differently, simply zooming out or something to make sure they can crop the whole photo in photoshop?
Pretty much, just shoot away and watch your corners. If you come in too tight just zoom out to be safe, I never print so I don't worry much about that. And as far as I know, there's no setting on cameras to adjust aspect.
Shoot fat and crop in post.

I use Photoshop but I'm sure other editors do similarly and can crop the final image to a specified size.
That makes sense, but I have watched photographers and I never see them changing settings on their cameras. They simply take multiple photos during a shoot and then people select whatever size they want for the print to be. What are they doing differently, simply zooming out or something to make sure they can crop the whole photo in photoshop?

Shoot fat and crop in post.

I use Photoshop but I'm sure other editors do similarly and can crop the final image to a specified size.
Shooting fat means leaving room around your subject in the viewfinder when you make the photo, for cropping to the various aspect ratios for printing.

If your camera has an APS-C size image sensor, it's native aspect ratio is 3:2 or 8x12 (4x6, 6x9, etc)

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