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Nikon D40/X Speedlights?


TPF Noob!
Nov 26, 2007
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I've been looking at the SB-400 as a bounce light, but was wandering if there are any other speedlights that work with the Nikon iTTL flash functions that might be a little cheaper and rotates on the Y axis to at least 90 degrees. Thanks for your help in advance.
the sb-400's $100, I'd be surprised if you can find cheaper w/iTTL compatibility.

It's $100! how much cheaper can you get?
Thanks for the info, but where can you find the sb-400 @ 100? I've only seen it for 129.00. Just curious.
The sb-400 is a nice little flash but very limited. It will only tilt in one direction and will not work very well off camera. You might be better off by spending about $80 more and get an sb-600. It's way more useful, even on a D-40. Good luck.
The sb-400 is a nice little flash but very limited. It will only tilt in one direction and will not work very well off camera. You might be better off by spending about $80 more and get an sb-600. It's way more useful, even on a D-40. Good luck.

And, they can be used for fill lights as well.
I also use the SB-400 on my D40, Very true about it being limited for use though. It works great for bouncing light off bright ceilings, but there are times I really wish I had the swivel of a SB-600 for certain applications. But true, for an entry level shoe flash, you can't go wrong for the price and it is a LOT better than the built in flash most camera's have.
At least for me, the D40 handles like crap with a bigger SB-600/800 on it and is very awkward to hold for any extended amount of time. I prefer the handling of it with the SB-400 greatly. If I needed to shoot with my D40 and needed left/right swivel flash capability I'd just take the SB-400 anyways but use an SC-28/29 cable with it. If I'm really being serious, I'll use my D80 with the SB-600 and the MB-D80 battery grip which handles and balances perfectly.

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