Nikon D80?


TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2007
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So I posted a thread before about the d40 vs the canon xt or xti
But I thought about it, and I won't have to pay for it all at once, so why not go bigger. For about 3 or more years I've been debating which camera and I've always wanted the D80 but wasn't sure if I should get it or not, but now I think I want to. I don't know why but I've always leaned towards Nikon when it comes to the Nikon vs Canon thing. Never have had a nikon or canon camera but yeah. So to those who have the D80, how do you like it? Or to those who have used a d80. And compared to other cameras you've used? I shoot pretty much anything, but my main subject is my puppy :p. On b&h I can get it with the 18-135mm for about $1060. I've been recommended the tamron 55-200, not sure about it, just a random recommendation, but anyways I could get the body and that lens for about $980. Any other lens recommendations, so then I could figure out how much it would be. Not sure if I forgot anything...If I did I'll just add more. But any other additional things you'd like to add, go ahead. Thanks ahead, anything is appreciated :)
Oh yeah, this would be my first dslr too.

And I know I need to get to a store to see how I like it...I've been meaning to for like the past month...oops :/
I'll try to go soon!
You could do that. Or you could do what I did and buy a used camera on ebay. I got my D50 in perfect condition for only $350 shipped. It is very important to go and feel the camera. IMO, the XT and Xti you were talking about in the other thread feel very cheap. They feel like disposable cameras in my hands. But, some people love them.
Yeah I could...but I'm just not 100% sure it'll be in good shape and it's safe and all...idk I'm a little leery when it comes to things like that lol.

Yeah, I've never held one but the XT and XTi look cheap to me, idk though.
I'd say go with the D80. It is a little more advanced but with the manual and this forum as guides you should manage. Go to best buy or any other electronic store they should have them out for display. It feels great IMO.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with...just not at 100% yet ha.
Also I have to convince parents, but I'm sure they'll go for it haha.
Hopefully this weekend I'll get to go, I think I saw Best Buys was in stock so there? Or wolf camera is nearby too.
Yeah either one, but remember, you're only there to feel it out not to buy it. You can most likely get it much cheaper from B&H Photo or Adorama or Amazon. I wouldn't stray from any of those because there are A LOT of scam sites.
I got my d80 from ebay store cameta camera. it was a display item but came with a year warantee 3 lenses and a 2 gig card for about 900 bux. check them out.

*ps, I love my D80

Yeah definitely not buying from Best Buys or Wolf Camera,
Wolf has it with the 18-135mm for $1200 w/o s&h
Best Buys has it for about $1200 with s&h
B&H has it for about $1060 haha.
I'll check out ebay...not sure though.
A lot of things can happen on ebay, but my experience has been good. Make sure they have a lot of pictures and look through the print carefully. Check feedback and if any negative shows up look at the details.
I looked at cameta camera...looks like they have a lot of positive feedback...and right now they have the d80 body for $91.50 atm (ends in about 2 days)
Just still not sure though...
D80 was my first DSLR... so... keep that in mind

I love it though... got two lenses with it (18-55mm and 55-200VR)... I liked the layout and way it felt while using it. for around $1100 or so

Still debating ebay or just stay 100% safe with b&h...
Personally, I wouldn't buy a new camera from ebay. I've heard lots of stories about grey market cameras being sold (not covered by u.s. warranty). For something that costs as much as a d80, i'd buy from a reputable source to make sure I get a u.s. market version so that I'd know my warranty would be covered if anything should go wrong. (of course, i'm assuming you're in the u.s.) Someone I know recently had some issues with a grey market lens, so I know it's not a myth that Nikon won't touch them.

However, if I were buying used, where warranty wasn't an issue anymore, ebay is great.
Yeah I think I'm just going to go with B&H to be safe.
Buying new so yeah...
So besides the ebay topic, now what lens do you recommend?
And of course how you like it, how you like it compared to others, stuff like that lol.

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