Nikon Z9

Big+expensive+late-to-the-party=Nikon brilliance!
Big+expensive+late-to-the-party=Nikon brilliance!

Care to share your source of the official specifications? Hmm, stacked sensor, who else is doing that?
Big+expensive+late-to-the-party=Nikon brilliance!

Care to share your source of the official specifications? Hmm, stacked sensor, who else is doing that?
Yet another black blob...Guessing Nikon plans on becoming a much smaller company catering to pro/affluent customers. They're swimming furiously to catch-up to the missed MILC boat.
i'm not crazy about integrated vertical grips, but it'll be interesting to see what the specs are.
Yeah, no answer!

As far as a black blob, I guess you could say that about all black cameras. Even though Nikon is and always has been a much smaller company than Canon for instance, it has retained a much larger proportion of the professional market. One might ask why that is?

FWIW, Since the dawning of the Nikon D1 back in 1999, the pro level bodies have had builtin vertical grips, this is nothing new.
Yeah, no answer!

As far as a black blob, I guess you could say that about all black cameras. Even though Nikon is and always has been a much smaller company than Canon for instance, it has retained a much larger proportion of the professional market. One might ask why that is?

FWIW, Since the dawning of the Nikon D1 back in 1999, the pro level bodies have had builtin vertical grips, this is nothing new.

So are you getting that pre-order ready?
All I know is the sales staff I work with is not very excited about it. They also said about what "cgw" said.......big, expensive and late to the party.
it has retained a much larger proportion of the professional market. One might ask why that is?

Glass, quality of the glass back in the beginning of 35mm film SLR's they were the top of the pile. Only Leica could match them in the quality of glass for 35mm film, but talk about expensive.

It has carried through to today, most people still believe that Nikon glass is the best. And after you make investments in glass, hard to switch.
Nikon just seems numb/averse to innovation. I look at Fuji who rolled out the X100 mirrorless ten years ago--a genuine halo product that grabbed unexpected attention and sales.
Nikon, has always been expensive - when I was younger, I could not afford a Nikon, I bought Minolta. Now I have an 850, and more importantly I am invested in Nikon glass.

I feel Nikon will cater to the professional and/or more affluent shooter and will continue to support F mount and the DSLR platform. In recent years they have come out with some very expensive lens for the F Mount, they need to recoup their R&D investments and for the hard-core wild-life/sports shooter Nikon is still No. 1.

At the same time Nikon will develop a flagship mirrorless flagship Z, in order to serve the masses wishes.

Professionals, never have the latest and greatest equipment those are left for the consumers.

I also shoot Fujifilm XPro 2/3 & GFX50R.

Just my opinion...


Nikon has always been a top tier brand as have Canon when it comes to Japanese makers of professional gear. Both have been adopted by working pros since the Nikon F and Canon F1 right up to todays latest digital offerings. There is virtually no $$ difference between the two brands if one measures specs and features. This will be no different with the upcoming Z9.

Like it or not mirrorless is the future and although there will be support for Nikon DSLR's for some time, the transition has begun. It will be complete when MILC has beaten all the benefits of the DLSR, that hasn't happened yet.

Professionals, never have the latest and greatest equipment those are left for the consumers.
I beg to differ. As a long time NPS member, Nikon offer me advanced reservation of their new bodies and lenses before they are available in retail stores for the masses. Nikon is well aware that working pros should have first access to the new technology if they so desire and will ship new products assigned to NPS members to the retail store of their choice. BTW, the price is not discounted either.
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Have never purchased nikon flagship cameras (LOL, except for the Photomic and 2 Nikon F2 models I bought several decades late), but I'm happy to seem them punching back. Not sure why anyone would cheer against them. Hope it's awesome and that it exceeds Sony, Canon, Fuji, and pushes them to innovate further. A great time to be a photographer!
"I beg to differ. As a long time NPS member, Nikon offer me advanced reservation of their new bodies and lenses before they are available in retail stores for the masses. Nikon is well aware that working pros should have first access to the new technology if they so desire and will ship new products assigned to NPS members to the retail store of their choice. BTW, the price is not discounted either."

Though once true of pros, maybe others now, namely online "influencers" and "brand ambassadors"carry more weight with camera makers' marketing depts? That's where people go for new product information in 2021.
Though once true of pros, maybe others now, namely online "influencers" and "brand ambassadors"carry more weight with camera makers' marketing depts? That's where people go for new product information in 2021.
All one has to do is look around at sporting, media events and commercial shoots to know that working pros don't care about camera makers marketing departments, they using the gear that gets the shot and makes them money.

If people go to "influencers" to get their information on new products, they are being hood winked by sudo sales people who often get gear for free or reduced prices for their "opinions". No bias there . . . lol.

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