Nooksack eagles


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 6, 2009
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too close to Seattle
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It's almost time for my annual trip up north to photograph the eagles feasting on winter run salmon on the Nooksack River. Here are some shots from last year's trip...

The Hunter.jpg
Winter Eagle II.jpg
Sounds like fun I hope you get some great shots.
nice, i hope you get some good ones on your trip.
nice eagle BIF shots
Some friends of mine want this Florida boy who is currently enjoying 70-80's clear blue sky weather to go to Le Claire, IA to shoot Eagles in January...and freeze my delicate tushee. A long 1,000 mile drive up and back with 2 days of shooting....i don't know, I just don't know. Anyone else shot Eagles there and is it really worth the agony of frostbitten fingers?

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