Northern Watersnake

Joel Bolden

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 2, 2020
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Stormstown, Pennsylvania
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This one was taking advantage of the warm sunny day and the gravel path that runs along the creek to soak up some rays.
They are apparently non venomous but ................................... Nice captures though.
Nice capture.

Really like #1 also, Joel. I would have misidentified it as a copperhead looking at #2.
The head and body aren't wide enough to be a copperhead (or any pit viper) however a quick glance could confuse the two, and cause an expeditious exit from the area.
Really like #1 also, Joel. I would have misidentified it as a copperhead looking at #2.
Yeah, I have to keep in mind that the markings on a copperhead are shaped like an hourglass. When I first saw this one my initial call was Copperhead.
They are apparently non venomous but ................................... Nice captures though.
Non Venomous but they do have sharp, curved teeth for holding onto prey(mainly fish). I remember when I was a kid and we were out fishing when my dumb Uncle decided to grab one. It sank it's teeth into his hand and we had a hell of a time removing them. Then off to the hospital for a tetanus shot....
The last for me. Good dof.

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