Not Bad for a 3 Year Old...My "baby" Has Caught the Bug!

Barking Mad

TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Coastal Maine
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hope you don't mind that I brag for a sec...

We have a new Canon PnS that we just picked up so that my hubby has a camera in the car with him for photos he needs for his job on occasion, however, our youngest daughter who is 3 is often with me when I'm out shooting the coastline or when we have people come to the house for the occasional portrait it shouldn't have come as a great shock to me when she said she wanted to take some pictures. The hubby handed her the camera and told her to "G'on luv, have a go!" Yes, he's British. Anyhow, I told her what to do, where to push and let her play with the Canon.

The same day these were taken we'd just gotten home from a local cat rescue with our newest adoptee...Godiva. She's a 8 week old Himmie that joins our ragdoll and two maine coons. She and our ragdoll, Geronimo, feature prominintely in the pics.

I haven't done anything to these except attempt to correct the exposure and crop my foot out of one shot and correct the red eye.

I told her that every good photographer needs at least one cheesy self portrait. This was her first attempt. Not bad I'd say!


I think this is one of my favs that she took. Our older kitten, 4 m/o Geronimo...


Geronimo and Godiva



Godiva...amazingly enough, Gaby is the only one of us able to get a half way decent shot of our newest furbaby, holding still!


It will be a while before I let her have a go at it with my either of my Sony's, but I'm more than happy to keep letting her using the Canon PnS and see what she ends up with. With my luck, she'll outpace me by the time she's 5 and end up knowing more about composition, exposure and the technical bits and pieces than I'll ever be able to learn!
It will be a while before I let her have a go at it with my either of my Sony's, but I'm more than happy to keep letting her using the Canon PnS and see what she ends up with. With my luck, she'll outpace me by the time she's 5 and end up knowing more about composition, exposure and the technical bits and pieces than I'll ever be able to learn!

Just wait for the "mommy can I have a 1Ds?" ....

I got my kids' basic P&S cameras early on ... they love them and do a great job. For our recent trip to Alaska, I bought them (they had to share) a high-end Panasonic bridge camera and they had a blast and have been very creative.
I work at a day care and I bought my class (ages 4-6)the Fisher Price camera. They love it and the best part is that I don't have to worry about them dropping it!
Very cute little girl. You're right, not bad for a 3 year old. If she keeps this up it will make Birthday and Christmas gifts quite easy to figure out.
Yes, very nice. I wish affordable digital cameras were when I was a lad!
Amazing! She has a future.

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