Not even A WEEK into the new semester...


Flirtacious and Bodacious
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Feb 5, 2004
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North Central Illinois
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...and I'm already severely sleep deprived and feeling overloaded! And I might not even be done filling up my schedule!

As of right now I have 18 semester hours, AND I'm finishing up an incomplete from last semester that I couldn't finish due to the family issues going it's like I have 22 semester hours. AND I'm in the process of applying for the honors program, which, if I get in, I will be taking another class which starts in a week or two. AND I'm going to my first Psychology club meeting on the 23rd. AND I'm in a leadership program that has it's first meeting at the end of the month.

So, by my calculations, I *might* be able to sneak in about 22.5 minutes of sleep in 2011. I'm looking forward to 2011.

Sorry about your timetable. I suggest you ask Dumbledore (you are familiar with Harry Potter?) for a loan of the 'timeturner'. It will solve ALL your problems:lmao:
Oh no, what a killer schedule, Corry! You'll manage to juggle it all, I'm sure. But sleep deprivation sucks, for sure.
Most students go though this in one way or another at some time. I know there are extenuating factors as well...but keep your eyes focused on the goal...and before you know it, school will over and you'll be very proud of yourself.
sleep deprivation will kill you before starvation

thought that would cheer you up
I'm sure that would end up killing me - probably behind the wheel.

I wish you all the very best in your endeavours...
If it's important then you will make the time.
You could save quite a bit of time by not eating, washing or going to the toilet. And it has the added advantage of deterring people from visiting you and interrupting your work.
I should clarify that...though it's going to be very tough...and I will go through difficult points....I am also going to be loving every minute of it.

;) I LOVE school. I love being busy. I love the prospect of new challenges.

I'm in the process, as we speak, of writing my Honors program application essay....I may just post it up for y'all when I'm done with it. ;)

And yes, Mike, there are some extenuating circumstances that add a few hurdles...they are only serving to make me more determined.
Corry! It's been a while, but I am glad to see you continuing on into the wonderful world of psychology.

Don't worry, you get used to not sleeping by the time you get to graduate school!! ;)
Corry! It's been a while, but I am glad to see you continuing on into the wonderful world of psychology.

Don't worry, you get used to not sleeping by the time you get to graduate school!! ;)

Thanks! Thankfully, if I get on the ball and get my homework done, I can go to be early tonight! I'm having a hard time getting motivated because I just want to put my head down and sleeeeeep.
Well any psychology professor will show you the research, it is better, when consolidating information, to get sleep than to stay up. Make sure you can get SOME sleep!

If you ever need some psyc help, let me know!
I was extremely sleep deprived through out college... It took graduating and getting a real job to knock me out of it and get my biological clock back on track.

You will manage just fine. I might recommend an afternoon nap if you have an hour or 2 between classes. Studies have proved that a small cat nap in the afternoon can greatly increase your ability to perform at any number of tasks. I know your busy, but try and find time for one. It's great! I had class from 7 in the morning to sometime 11 at night (on certain nights (damn you science labs) lol ). I looked forward to my 2 pm - 3 pm nap as much as I did going out on friday night...
The good thing about ultra packed school schedules is that everything sorta blends together and before you know it... the terms over. Coffee is your friend.
Well any psychology professor will show you the research, it is better, when consolidating information, to get sleep than to stay up. Make sure you can get SOME sleep!

If you ever need some psyc help, let me know!

Heh, thanks for the offer...for now I'm ok. I got the highest grade in the class in my intro to Psych class last semester, despite the fact that I had major stuff goin on at the end of the semester, right when he sent five take home tests home, and gave us a week to do them, and learn all five chapters on our own, since they were going to be on the comprehensive final the next week. I had no time to study for the final, a 96% on it...also the highest grade in the class.

I think I'm in the right major.

And yes, I know I need sleep to consolidate information. :P I'm not PURPOSELY depriving myself of sleep! :P

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