Not your ordinary new guy here **pics**


TPF Noob!
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Raleigh NC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Greetings all. While I've been into photography for all my adult life, I'm not your ordinary photographer. I'm a Brooks Institute graduate (cinematography) and I studied still photography at Colorado Mountain College a hundred years ago.

Thought you'd might enjoy seeing what I do for a living. I'm a video producer/director/cameraman. I generally make marketing videos/commercials and the occasional documentary or other long form video.

Anyway, I'm here to learn more about DLSR's as I'm thinking of buying one.


big cart shopping center.jpg


I do some still work (very rarely) from time to time. This was a shot I did for Lenovo a couple months ago with my companies Canon 30D and kit lens.

Welcome aboard, enjoy the Forum!
Hi and welcome to the forum, please don't be a stranger. Looks like we could learn a lot from you.
Thanks Todd! As a Raleighite you've probably seen some of my work on tv. Do you recall the "big shopping cart" spots for NC dept of Agriculture??

Yes I do. I was trying to find it on YouTube so others could see it as well. But alas, that has to be the only commercial that *isn't* on YouTube. I'm sure that the Londoners, Germans, etc. on TPF have never seen anything quite like that.
Yes I do. I was trying to find it on YouTube so others could see it as well. But alas, that has to be the only commercial that *isn't* on YouTube. I'm sure that the Londoners, Germans, etc. on TPF have never seen anything quite like that.

I'll see if I can get one of our editors to upload it on our ftp site or youtube. I'll post a link later.
good to have you. i will probably have some questions about videos, thats one thing i have always been intrested in. welcome

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