There are plenty of 'good' lenses. They all list the maximum aperture in the name/ just look for a low F number.
Take note that not all lenses are created equal. High quality lenses usually give you the ability to get better results that lesser quality lenses. It's not always easy to know which ones are better than others...but for the most part, the more expensive it it, the better.
Some examples would be:
EF 50mm F1.8. This is a 'cheap' lens but the optical quality is pretty darn good. F1.8 is a nice large aperture that would help you get similar results to the shots above.
EF 80mm F1.8. a better quality lens but more expensive....still a good deal though.
EF 35mm F1.4 L. Canon denotes their 'top of the line' lenses with an 'L' in the this one is a very, very good lens....but it costs about as much as the camera (or more).
These are all 'prime' (non zoom) lenses. They are typically 'faster' than zoom lenses and better quality for the money. There are plenty of high quality zoom lenses but they are mostly limited to F2.8 as the max aperture. Cheaper zoom lenses are typically F3.5 to F5.6, which would make it a lot harder (or impossible) to get the shallow DOF that you see in those photos.