Old prison


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2006
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When this entrance was built on to an older structure at the village of Folkingham, Lincolnshire, the words House of Correction A.D. 1825 were boldly carved across the facade. Today its a desirable holiday property to rent that accommodates four people! My shot didn't quite convey its original penal purpose so I gave it a blue and sepia split-toning finish.


For more info: http://photoreflect.blogspot.com/2008/04/house-of-correction.html

Wow. beautiful image and love the pp work you've done (as I always do with your work). You can really tell that you took some serious time to set up this image as there are a lot of lines and they are all lined up perfectly.
^^^ What NateS said. The pp is wonderful...the bluish finish really adds the right feel to a pic with this subject matter. And I love the story...heehee, a rental property with "House of Correction" emblazoned across the front!!!
Sick shot. I like the color choice, definitely suites the picture.
Thanks for the comments Nate, Antarctican & soul.glo. I was looking for a Hammer horror film feel to this shot - the sort of thing you might get in a low budget production starring Christopher Lee as a vampire!

Regards, Tony
Sweet Photo!! When I look at it, I hear Metallica's: Small Hours playing in the background.

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