On camera Flash


TPF Noob!
Nov 23, 2011
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I have a Nikon D5100 and want to get a on camera flash. I'm just learning photography as a hobby but there is just too much info on flashes and we have no camera store local that I can ask my questions. I want a inexpensive flash that I can mount on my hot shoe for when I'm taking pictures inside. I don't see paying $300 for a Nikon flash just staring out. I know that you get what you pay for but just don't have that kind of money right now but would like my indoor pic. to turn out better.
You do know you've got a pop-up flash on that camera, right? It's no speedlight but it is a flash and it is useful.
Your best bet is to buy a second hand nikon flash, because they are such good quality they last ages so there aren't many worries. If you buy a nikon flash you can add to the collection later and there will be no regrets about buying a crappy one.
Using cheap flash units pretty much means using the camera and the flash unit in manual modes. The best flash photos are made with the flash unit of the camera - off camera flash or OCF.

Visit www.strobist.com and start reading the Lighting 101 articles.

Either way, you would still have to learn about how flash photography works, which adds an increased level of complexity to doing photography.

You say "there is just too much info on flashes" but need to realize choosing the gear is easier than actually using it.

For on camera flash technique/gear info visit www.planetneil.com
Thanks for all the info. I have a lot of reading to do. I just want to be able to take some indoor pic. and not have my niece have that deer in the head light look like I get when I use the flash indoors.

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