on the fence about this one


TPF Noob!
Dec 29, 2007
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Jacksonville, FL
Can others edit my Photos
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I'm so freakin undecided about this pic. I don't know whether it's really cool or just really stupid. I can't decided whether to chuck it in the folder with the other rejects or to print it and frame it. Cool or crap? Critique please!

I think without the PP, it's a boring and average photo.

I like the way it fills the frame.

However, if it was me, i would try reshooting from other angles.
good idea. it was sort of an accidentally neat shot. it was at a park and i just snapped it real quick....i was there mostly to photograph the landscape and wildlife. i'll have to go back and try some new angles. thanks for the comment!
I think if you shot it at sunrise it would look great! Maybe its just me but glowing warm light would really be nice!
It would probably make a nice silhouette too!
Really imo.
really in your opinion what? or did you mean "Emo?"
I think if you shot it at sunrise it would look great! Maybe its just me but glowing warm light would really be nice!
It would probably make a nice silhouette too!
aha. that could be something worth checking out. i'll check the directions, but I don't know that the eastern sky is open. honestly, i think it might work at sunset

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