One for C&C. Maybe over processed?


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Atlantic Beach, Fl
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I was bored and looking through some older photos and decided to play around in Photoshop some.

Here is the photo I started with:

I selected sunny, made a copy and ran a high white black and white filter on the background to make it whiter without messing up the shadows. I then pasted the copy of sunny in place and lowered the opacity until I liked how it looked. After flattening the image, I duplicated the background layer and ran a highpass filter at 1.5px with the blending set to overlay.

Simple I know, but I am fairly pleased with the outcome. Thoughts?


Oh, I also cleaned some of the crud from his nose. He is a special needs reptile, so he always needs something cleaned from him. lol
The background removed is a huge plus. If I had this in Lr, I would knock the blacks down alittle, but otherwise I like :)
Cute beardie! I like it, looks like a Telus ad.
Nice.. how about we make it look like a creature from Avatar?

It seems the version you edited is either too contrasty or the blacks are too dark. Look at Schwetty's version, his blacks are clean and smooth.
Sunny saw Schwetty's edit and started bobbing his head. Not sure if that is good or bad...

Here is another edit I did:

I tried to smooth out the blacks as suggested without losing sharpness and lowered the contrast a touch.

I do have to say I am impressed with how sharp this image turned out. The first photo is unedited, just converted from RAW. It was shot with my 18-55mm kit lens.
LOL..if you dont mind my asking...what is a special needs lizard??

It's exactly what it sounds like... I rescued him about five or six years ago from someone who didn't take care of him. He is about 2/3 the size he should be. He gets sick really easy. I have to feed him special food... Basicly, he is a lizard that has special needs.

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