Oops! :)


TPF Noob!
Jul 30, 2009
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Virginia Beach, VA
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shame i dont carry my good camera to work, but i managed to get these from my blackberry:

im waiting to hear exactly what happened, but from what it would seem either someone fails at parking, or someone fails at unparking. this happened just a few feet from us (its the top floor of our parking garage which is butted up against the building).
Oh wow...

Whoever owns the car in the second photo is going to show the person who owns the car in the first photo what the five fingers said to the face.
Man, that would anger me to no end.
I would be so heated if I was the owner of the second car.:madass:
haha for real. could you imagine getting told via phone call or face to face that bricks fell on your car? ouch. though i guess the only thing better would be trying to explain that to your insurance company. :D
OMG! What are people thinking?

A car drove through the front of our business 2 months ago. Scared the bejesus out of me.


This pic was taken from my desk. And yes someone was sitting at that desk.

Very funny.

But those are just chunks of metal, let's not get too heated up. That's why we have insurance.
lol that looks like one of those "i thought that was the brake pedal" moments. :)
Normally I love for people to wreck thier cars, it's job security. But I didnt' like seeing the car throw my co worker accross the room. In my case it was at a body shop, she already had one car being repaired and she decided to make a drive through out of our office with her Explorer.
Very funny.

But those are just chunks of metal, let's not get too heated up. That's why we have insurance.

yea well, some of those chunks of metal are quite expensive and are not easily replaced. i have an 06 mitsubishi lancer evolution ix mr that i would rather not have anything happen to. cant really replace it...not with a new one anyway. bought it with only 1 mile on the clock, and it has been kept very well.

of course, i feel the same way about my 88 mustang gt too. have put way too much work into it to have some ding bat drop some bricks on it. at least mustang bodies are easy enough to find and transfer over the parts. :P
Normally I love for people to wreck thier cars, it's job security. But I didnt' like seeing the car throw my co worker accross the room. In my case it was at a body shop, she already had one car being repaired and she decided to make a drive through out of our office with her Explorer.

yea, that would suck seeing your friends/coworkers put in a spot like that. some people just should not be allowed to drive.
Normally I love for people to wreck thier cars, it's job security. But I didnt' like seeing the car throw my co worker accross the room. In my case it was at a body shop, she already had one car being repaired and she decided to make a drive through out of our office with her Explorer.

Wow! As long as it doesn't involve someone you know, let's WRECK! :lmao:

Nobody likes to see their loved ones in accidents. I shouldn't need to spell this out. Some of us don't like to see anyone whatsoever in accidents but they happen and it most cases (or can you show us some figures that deny that) they don't involve anyone getting hurt.

And yes, they are just chunks of metal. Most people don't know how to drive so keep your cars in the garage. Personally I've got places to go so I'll buy a cheap chunk of metal and not worry too much about it.
Putting myself in the place of the second car, I'd be ready to maim. My car is 1 of about 22k made that year. It's pretty hard to replace, even if I got full value for it.

Loves my solstice.
to be honest, I would love it if that happened to my car.. judging by the look, the second car is likely written off.. that would mean, new car for me, on behalf of car #1's insurance company

... yes... I hate my car and would love a new one!

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