

TPF Noob!
Jan 27, 2014
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Hi everyone. I've been puting off downloading this program although I would like to know the sutter count on my new (refurb) 7100. So....was reading a thread about someone considering buying a used 7000 and KmH (Keith) posted a screen shot of what the Opanda showed,,,,sure enough my download had a simular screen with loads of info except of course NO DATA ABOUT THE NUMBER OF CLICKS!!!! Could anyone explain this please? Thanks in advance.
In the screen shot I posted I had moved the column divider to the right to show all of Total Number of Shutter Releases for Camera.

Usually you can only see Total Number of Shu and then the number of shutter releases in the next column to the right.
Thanks Keith, but there is no "total...." in the list, The screen looks almost the same, very simular and it lists the camera model and a long list of data but not anything like number of clicks. No big deal, just courious and can't figure it out.
Kuso shows the clicks on both my D7100 and D800...


Download KUSO Exif Viewer Free

Cheers, Don
Thanks Keith, but there is no "total...." in the list, The screen looks almost the same, very simular and it lists the camera model and a long list of data but not anything like number of clicks. No big deal, just courious and can't figure it out.

Perhaps you need to get into the properties and set/configure which items will be displayed ?

Cheers, Don
Thanks Keith, but there is no "total...." in the list, The screen looks almost the same, very simular and it lists the camera model and a long list of data but not anything like number of clicks. No big deal, just courious and can't figure it out.
Are you using a JPEG file made in the camera? Because it won't record/show the shutter count of a Raw of TIFF file
Geez already...

Download Kuso.

No need to open a browser and go on line to upload an image to get a shutter count.

It will give you the exif data And a shutter count on a raw or jpeg file on your computer and give you the exif data on any image posted on the internet if it has not been stripped.

Cheers, Don
Thanks everyone. Kuso did the trick (2915 clicks). Still don't know why opanda didn't work...I was using jpegs. Doesn't matter. Job done. Thanks for your help.

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