Osprey Perched.


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Mar 24, 2013
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I have been trying for years to get one on the dive for the fish but it's always too far off when i see it happen. Even when I was shooting with 600mm of reach on a crop body, It was too far away.
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Nice shot. I like the lighting on him, looks like the golden hour. And did you make the perch for him?
Nice shot. I like the lighting on him, looks like the golden hour. And did you make the perch for him?
Thanks and yes to golden hr no to making the perch.
excellent photo! i love that you caught him at eye level. he's being a typical osprey and refusing to cooperate. though in my case it usually means flying away while screaming bloody murder.
Thanks. I had to walk out in some salt marsh but early in the spring the ground was still hard enough not to sink, plus I had some higher ground than standing on the beach itself.My car payed the price for it, the mud I tracked on carpeted mats was not pretty but worth it.
Thanks. I had to walk out in some salt marsh but early in the spring the ground was still hard enough not to sink, plus I had some higher ground than standing on the beach itself.My car payed the price for it, the mud I tracked on carpeted mats was not pretty but worth it.

last time i bought a car i made sure it had rubber mats for this reason. it's not hard to find after market rubber mats, too, if this is going to become a habit for you like it did for me.
Yeah I have the rubber matts now, just rinse of water like new again.

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