

TPF Noob!
Oct 11, 2011
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The Mitten
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
the natural framing of this barn is what drew me to it. let me know what you think

You've cropped this over-wide as if to emphasize something but I don't see what it was that you saw and why there is all that green.
Good colour and interesting subject but there is nothing in the left side of the image to hold my attention. The picture is the right half.
I think a simple crop like this shows a cute little house nestled in trees. It's a bit center but you get the idea.

I actually like them both. The first one for me, has sense of mystery to it with a small house partially hidden away in the trees. The second portrays an image of a place that may be abandoned, or at least, quite run down as it is in an obvious need of serious repair. It would be interesting to see them both in B&W, or even a sepia rendition with a bit of a vignette and maybe an "old time" frame applied to them, but I wander, or not.
As Traveler1 said, there seems to be something completely covered by that mass of green growth, but there is nothing we can see in your photograph. I really like Ernicus's crop, as it makes the house the main subject, while removing that over growth as a secondary subject.
Love the sepia rendition. Reminds of some of the old photos that I see in some of the museum collections locally, most of which have been donated by the children of the early pioneers. The black and white one with the border is just a little too dark for me, but it is not that bad.
Yeah, I still have issues with my pics coming out dark, not bothering to try to mess with my laptop in terms of calibrating. Soon I hope to get an external monitor to use until I can get a new pc.
Ok seeing as we are having a crack at this nice photo its my turn :lol:

View attachment 12331

I think a crop works but just not as much, see what you reckon.

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