"owning digital images"?

White Wolf Studio

TPF Noob!
Jul 6, 2010
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How do you answer your clients that ask to purchase the digital image? Or how do you charge for it, if they do? It seems such a strange trend in professional photography, where I've been selling quality enlargements for 20 years.
I suppose that depends on what it is an image of, and what type of rights they wanted released.

For example - I've shot head shots before where the customer wanted the images on CD. They probably used them for face book, real estate business cards, and sent a copy off to their family members.

I hand them a CD, with a release, and send them on their way.

1 - I don't loose the business to another photographer who will oblige their needs.
2 - I no longer have to archive and save prints!
3 - It's an excellent opportunity to include a clause in the release stating what rights I may want to maintain - for example, using them in my portfolio on the web.

As for how much do you charge, if your business model is built around the residual sales of enlargements, then it'll be in your interest to do a little math, and roll your profits into the CD and the release - so you're not on the street =)
I agree with the previous reply.

I don't sell the digital files per say, I sell the right for them to make copies/prints and include the files on a disc. That's for family/wedding photos anyway. For commercial clients, I sell them usage rights so that they can do what they want with them.
Photos are from a Portrait Fundraiser Day, where I already gave them a 'deal' on the sitting fee, and a donation on their behalf. What would you charge for them to 'own' the image?

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