Painted gold and blue

thank you all..:)...the shoot gave off a comic book vibe to me
Ooo, I REALLY like that second image! Nicely done! It looks like I should be the movie teaser for the next Marvel comic movie.
Wonderful work!
It may be a while between edits .... I ate some concrete ( fell down) old bones do not enjoy pain
Slowly on the mend....the fall hurt the left side of my body ...the non parkinson's affected everything is slow at the moment
Slowly on the mend....the fall hurt the left side of my body ...the non parkinson's affected everything is slow at the moment

Oh dear, I hope your pain goes away and feel better soon.
I second what annamaria stated regarding you feeling better. These are wonderful ... and yes they are Marvel-esque. #2 is my fav ... but they are all exceptional.

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