Panorama fail


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 15, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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I am trying to make this nice panorama (from my visit to the Seychelles Islands), But the horizon just never seems to be good... There is cracks in it, and it is not a straight line....
At one point, there is also an issue with the water, the stones are put nicely together, but the waterline is bad.
What would be the best solution for me to fix this?
If somebody wants to fix it for me, it is fine, but I would prefer to learn it myself, So if you do, tell me the steps you did.
I can provide a link to a full size file if you want to give it a try (.dng). (or provide all the separate images I putted together (.nef)).


more zoomed in...

(yes I used paint, because it is still so easy to just show something like that xD)

I use mostly lightroom, and a bit of photoshop, I tried some warping to get the horizon straigt, or some clone tool... but either It is the wrong way, or I am bad at it...
You'll need to Select (with Feathered Edges) those areas and edit them individually. Copy & paste the selection, then skew, rotate, move etc. as needed. Clone & Heal to tidy it up.

To correct it, I would prefer the full-rez image.
You'll need to Select those areas and edit them. Copy & paste the selection, then skew, rotate, move etc. Clone & Heal to tidy it up.

To correct it, I would prefer the full-rez image.

The biggest problem is also the general horizon, it is not straight, it is like a wave itself...
I will send you the full-rez via messaging?
You'll need to Select those areas and edit them. Copy & paste the selection, then skew, rotate, move etc. Clone & Heal to tidy it up.

To correct it, I would prefer the full-rez image.

The biggest problem is also the general horizon, it is not straight, it is like a wave itself...
I will send you the full-rez via messaging?

Rotating the entire image is something any editing software should be able to do.

You can't sent full-rez images via PMs. You'll need to provide links. I don't have any software I'm familiar with that uses dngs though.
Here's a version with the horizon and the outside edge fixed. I forgot about the bit in the water...
Just 15 minutes, with Photoshop 2017 on the laptop without getting out the Wacom.
The key to dealing with straight lines for me is to use the rectangle Select tool and the clone brush.

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Here's a version with the horizon and the outside edge fixed. I forgot about the bit in the water...
Just 15 minutes, with Photoshop 2017 on the laptop without getting out the Wacom.
The key to dealing with straight lines for me is to use the rectangle Select tool and the clone brush.

View attachment 148360


You really did a great job there!
That's the way I was picturing it :).

Would it be possible to send the .DNG (or .tiff?) file to me again so I can deal with the water.

The outside edges I kept on on purpose, so there was more room for editing, I wasn't to sure if you would be warping or distorting or something like that xD. I always prefer to completely finish my panorama and then remove the outside white edges.
It would have been nice to see your workflow, so I could improve mine. I really enjoy creating panorama's, but I never had a problem like this before. I'm guessing its the amount of objects in front that lines up nicely, and because of changing camera position the horizon line was always a 'tad' different in distance.
You can help the software to do it's job if you mount the camera on a stable, LEVEL tripod and rotate carefully.
I'm lazy so usually just hand hold with lots of overlap and fix it in post.
I use the free software ICE. (windows image composite editor -- something like that)

it works great.
I use it a lot for not just panoramas, but making my lens wider.


by Braineack, on Flickr

this was (4) images stitched together using ICE since shooting at 24mm wasn't wide enough to get everything in frame. My favorite part is the perspective controls it has, and can actually do cool stuff with video.

I want to say this was 7 or 8 vertical images stitched: DSC02178_stitch

example of the perspective controls: DSC02135_stitch

other panos I've done with it: DSC03565_stitch DSC02334_stitch DSC_2953-1_stitch
I just used the ICE program and It is really a great tool! There is a lot more options.
But on my pictures it also failed to create a decent panorama :p.
But thanks for the tip!
.....Aaaand it is done!
Took me a long while, but I got it, let me know what you guys think :).

Thank you all for the help, tips, tricks, it really helped alot!

Anse Severe by Timothy D'hondt

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