Perfectly Timed Lightening Shots!


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2008
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South Africa
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Well I stood out in the storm that is currently raging here, with my little compact cannon camera, that takes for ever to capture, even if you leave the shutter open.... and managed after about an hour to get two decent shots. a little motion blur i know.

Comments please.


Um.... it wasn't set to long shutter.... it was just set to vivid effect, and quick capture mode....
I have tried to capture lightning but have never come close to getting that perfect pic. The first one is nailed. If you had of used a tripod, it would have been even better. My main problem is I have alot of things obstructing my view of the sky and its often too dangerous to go out and even harder to find shelter. Nice job.
I agree with dklod, A tripod would have made that first one spactacular.

The second one may have potential....What are the dimentions of the original file or is 1024 wide all you get?
I've tried once to capture lightning. Failed miserably! I'm still going to try again someday. Nice job for such a difficult task. Thanks for sharing.

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