Philippine Tree Squirrel


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Jun 20, 2021
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Snapped these while out yesterday, squirrels are not quite so common as they are in the UK (and I am guessing the US). Not too unlike the ubiquitous Grey but has a cream coloured underneath which extends along the inside of the arms and under the chin. No.1 is an adult and No.2 is a juevenile, the fsmily or group of 4 were having a great time chasing each other round and round the tree.

Sony A7RV / Nikon 70-300 ED

[url=]Philippine Tree Squirrel by Tursiops, on Flickr[/URL]

[url=]Philippine Tree Squirrel by Tursiops, on Flickr[/URL]
I've never seen them in the NE of the USA, where I used to live.
There is some sort of squirrel here but I've only seen a couple and never up close.

We had lots of fun watching and feeding the grey squirrels -even trained a couple- and I have to admit that I miss it since moving.

I like the "real life" aspect of the shots...squirrels doing squirrel things.
A nice set of a really cute looking creature.... :encouragement:
I've never seen them in the NE of the USA, where I used to live.
There is some sort of squirrel here but I've only seen a couple and never up close.

We had lots of fun watching and feeding the grey squirrels -even trained a couple- and I have to admit that I miss it since moving.

I like the "real life" aspect of the shots...squirrels doing squirrel things.
A nice set of a really cute looking creature.... :encouragement:
Very nice shots! I particularly like #2.
Thanks everyone !
Nice shots! I don't think I've seen any in California, but it's a big place.
Nice shots! I don't think I've seen any in California, but it's a big place.
Thanks Mitch, seems I stupidly and without thinking generalised the US with that statement forgetting that unlike the UK (and Philippines) it covers many different varied climates and geographies, many of which will not be pleasant for the squirrel!
Thanks Mitch, seems I stupidly and without thinking generalised the US with that statement forgetting that unlike the UK (and Philippines) it covers many different varied climates and geographies, many of which will not be pleasant for the squirrel!
Not stupid at all! It's difficult to imagine the scale. You can fit approximately 105 UKs within the US, to give you an idea.
Thanks Mitch, seems I stupidly and without thinking generalised the US with that statement forgetting that unlike the UK (and Philippines) it covers many different varied climates and geographies, many of which will not be pleasant for the squirrel!
The Eastern Gray Squirrel's range covers the entire Eastern U.S and Southern Canada east of the Mississippi. The Fox squirrel not as far North as the Gray. We have both here in Pennsylvania, along with the Red Squirrel. I spent a month at Mare Island submarine base, which is about 40 miles north of San Francisco and the park had Western Gray Squirrels running around. They're pretty much everywhere. Also hiked a bit of the Pacific Coast Trail near San Diego, CA and they were common up in the mountains. Both the Eastern Gray and Fox Squirrels are now considered invasive in California. Strangely, I saw squirrels when I was in the Phillipines, but didn't think much of it since I'd grown up with them and assumed they were everywhere. Never did look closely at them, so your pics are my first look "up close"....nice!

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