Photo gallery


TPF Noob!
May 17, 2006
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Just wonder where you, guys prefer to keep your photos? online gallaries or what? Thanks in advance.
right... i'm sure all photographers store their most precious pics on the hardrives and the less - on galleries
do you mean 'keep' as in permanent storage or simply for viewing? (i am guessing the former by your response)

I keep all of mine saved on an external hard drive, and I make DVD backup copies of the more important ones.
I wouldn't trust on-line photo hosting for my only copy of any photo. I keep my photos on my hard drive and back-up to CD every so often.

I use an on-line gallery for hosting my "saved for web" version of images that I want to share. I use
I keep mine on my HD, with backups on an external HD and DVD. I display them on a gallery on my own website.

BTW, if you upload your images to any websites that you don't own, be sure you are comfortable with the rights you give them by clicking on their user agreements.
Thanks for the comments. We launched photo portal and just want to know why people doesn't trust online hosting.

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