photographers curse


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 15, 2011
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Texas (Hill Country)
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It could have been a anyone who might care....

After spending 8 days hiking around Colorado we headed back to Texas and stopped halfway to camp at Palo Duro canyon. We got there RIGHT AT GOLDEN HOUR!!! Driving through the canyon, all I wanted to do was jump out and take pics but I had to settle for shooting out the window (to make things worse, the good views were out my husbands window!)...... THEN I SAW A COUPLE GETTING MARRIED!!?? I told my husband to let me out right there so I could go photograph them (I only saw one car?! did they have a photographer...who knows (in my dreams they were waiting for me :cool-48:) But alas, we couldn't stop, because....setting up camp, taking care of kids and all. Finally we get to our campsite and then this amazing, gorgeous sunset cloud appears and my heart just broke. We had about 10 minutes to set up camp before dark so I knew I couldn't get a good shot. I climbed on top of my husbands truck, snapped this, then finished helping with the tent. Ahhh the life of a photog.

We headed home right at daylight but here is a daytime pic from the top/entrance of the park. We will definitely return to Palo Duro (before sunset this time).
You are much too tolerant. When I'm not driving and spot s photo opportunity, I shout; "do a U-turn I want to take a photo of XXXXX .... and remember I paid for the car". Works (almost) every time.

I spotted a Boeing 747 by the road once - not easy to miss! - and it took her a 10 km diversion to circle back, But the shot was worth it.
Worth it for the sky in the first.
I was cringing in frustration reading your account of the drive and setting up lol. I know exactly how that felt - been in that situation many times. But you can always go back to that location when your kids are older - you can never get this time with them back!
Beautiful area and love the cloud. It is hard with kids and juggling getting the camp set up before dark and can understand why you wanted to stop for the couple. When I miss shots due to circumstances I remind myself to live the moment.
You are much too tolerant. When I'm not driving and spot s photo opportunity, I shout; "do a U-turn I want to take a photo of XXXXX .... and remember I paid for the car". Works (almost) every time.
To be fair, if my husband said that to me I would want to smack him :p Also if I really asked he would have stopped but that would have been selfish since my family had been in the car almost 9 hours, and as it is, I was blowing up sleeping pads in the dark :/

I was cringing in frustration reading your account of the drive and setting up lol. I know exactly how that felt - been in that situation many times. But you can always go back to that location when your kids are older - you can never get this time with them back!
Yes! I was saying this to myself repeatedly...ha! All in all it was a great trip and I had plenty of chances to photograph amazing things :)
I can't relate to being in a hurry, photography is why I travel (no children). I can emphasize with not being able to stop. I can't count the times I have caught a glimpse of something with potential, but the road was narrow and winding with no safe place to pull over. It is frustrating.
My wife and I stayed in Palo Duro Canyon for one night as we were returning to the east coast. It is definitely on my list of places to return to.
I can't relate to being in a hurry, photography is why I travel (no children). I can emphasize with not being able to stop. I can't count the times I have caught a glimpse of something with potential, but the road was narrow and winding with no safe place to pull over. It is frustrating.
Yes! It's always frustrating to miss a shot!

My wife and I stayed in Palo Duro Canyon for one night as we were returning to the east coast. It is definitely on my list of places to return to.
It's such a beautiful place, with such a tragic history :(

I've had so many experiences where stopping was impractical. I'm generally driving so even the shots out of the window are unlikely :(
Boo :( My husband and I have a deal worked out....I take pics out the window so he can see the good stuff he misses while driving ;)
I know how you feel! When we travel, we take the travel trailer so there isn't always a place to pull over. And I find that as soon as I see the "Perfect" composition, its gone before I can say "STOP!! I see the shot!" I have never heard of Palo Duro, but your photos make me want to check it out.
I know how you feel! When we travel, we take the travel trailer so there isn't always a place to pull over. And I find that as soon as I see the "Perfect" composition, its gone before I can say "STOP!! I see the shot!" I have never heard of Palo Duro, but your photos make me want to check it out.
Tis the life of a photographer :p

Definitely check out Palo Duro. It has great historical is considered the end of the Red River war where the Southern Plains Indians were sadly defeated. The US army then hearded 1500-2000 of the Native Americans horses into the canyon and slaughtered them so they could not be used again by the Indians. Heartbreaking.
<jealous> Love the cloud.
I feel your pain Paige!
Thankfully when our kids were small I was on a hiatus from photography. Other than snaps of the kids with little throw-away film cameras.
Also thankfully since then Kim has also become a photographer so now there is no problem with either of us saying, "turn around!" We make lots of U-turns now.

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