Photographing older siblings


TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2011
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I am doing a photo shoot for my brother in-law and his two sisters. I am a little nervous because I have never done older siblings and am worried about cheesy poses and stuff. Anyone have tips or advice? Thanks!
Just have them relax. Shoot in between poses for the possibly of some decent candids. But overall, just tell them to relax.
This is my style and I find it works well, if it works for you? All the better:
Shoot less, talk more. Spend your time getting to know them and having them interact together. As you are relaxing and making new friends shoot some snaps of them interacting naturally together. I find that the best portraits come that way. I like to sit with the family either on a sofa or on chairs, etc grouped together across from me so that when I do see a shot they are all there. Then relax. Ask them to tell you about each other. Ask things that will evoke great memories, smiles and some great kidding and laughing. Like to sibling #1 "if you could name the #1 most embarrassing moment in sibling #2's life what would it be?" "tell me a bout sibling #3's senior prom date?"
The photos you will get might just amaze you!
If you aren't ready to give up the backdrop and posed stuff entirely that is just fine!!! Just open yourself up to what just might happen by accident...
Thanks for the great advice!
I find portraits easier when you have multiple people there. Its not just some one on one with a stranger. When the person or people your photographing are in groups, or have people to accompany them, its much easier to get more natural looking, candid shots.

My favorite situation doing this was when I was shooting my friends senior portraits. I am friends with the girl he had a crush on at the time, and we all went out to do the portraits together. She could make him laugh, smile, and glow like nothing else at the time. So I didn't have to get him to pose once, everything was candid, and very natural looking.

I even got her to let me 'practice' some couple shots. Where he would put his arms around her and whatnot. :mrgreen:

Hookin a brother up while taking photos! :sexywink:

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