Photography Sacrifices


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 3, 2012
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Melbourne, Australia
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What's the biggest sacrifice you had to endure to embrace your love of photography? And why?
You had to work 2 jobs just to buy a new camera, or you had to pull an all nighter to take pics of the night sky.

Ps: i myself wanted to take a pic of the super moon at 12o clock at night...with a massive project due the next day...

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I got shouted at for photographing people too much.

Oh, and they got really annoyed when I used flash during the night.
I dunno guess it depends what is a sacrifice and what is fun.

I ran up my credit card debt to get the D800 and lenses.


I drove 10 hours and hiked 20 miles to attempt a shot from a 14,000 ft summit in the Sierras only to mess up the exposure because I was so altitude sick.
worst for me is problaby running up some credit card debt for some new purchases. something in the past i had gotten away from doing. I don't regret the purchases. but paying off the debt is a reminder to spend within my means.
Had to give up shooting hockey tournaments because the guy in charge insisted I sign non-compete clause. I shot tournaments with him for a year with no such arrangement. If I signed, I would've had to give up shooting my boys' team games, so I declined:(
A doorman crossed the street and told me to stop photographing his building. It was reflective glass and I was actually photographing the reflection of a Wren church in this modern building. This was in London. I asked what I was doing wrong and was told that he had been sent out to tell me by someone inside. I could not see anyone inside because of the reflections. I was standing on the public street and perfectly entitled to photograph 'his' building under the law as it stands. But my friend was getting embarassed so I did not take it any further. But I wanted to face up to this idiot who thinks terrorists run around with decent cameras, and that we can all see through darkened mirror glass. A sacrifice on my part.
I've missed some of my kids birthdays, anniversaries, funerals of close friends, and recently had to leave the day my mother passed away because of work commitments. I'm not any different from other professional freelance photographers, it's the job I chose, and that takes personal sacrifice at times.
I've sold a couple of watches to finance camera purchases. I also recently sold one of my guitars to finance a bunch of stuff.

Not sure how much of a sacrifice those were, though. I only seem to wear one watch regularly, and I don't play guitar much these days...
Let's see...A couple of L's on the plastic, faster than I could pay them off. Now add an L bracket and flash bracket, and a new ballhead w/clamp to mount to the L bracket...I'm still reeling for the price of a simple(?) L bracket...

I have an old pedal steel guitar that I thought I could learn to play just sitting these days. It's going on ebay SOON! Pay down the plastic for the L's.

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