photos for C&C please.


TPF Noob!
Mar 16, 2009
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Toronto, Ontario
Can others edit my Photos
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Took the two river shots today when visiting the in-laws.

another one

and the wife
I like the setting of 1 and 2 but the issues I have with them is the foreground in each is blown out a little bit, perhaps having a longer exposure and closing down the aperture might help by keeping the foreground and background in focus and giving a nice, smooth, sweeping motion of the water. The third picture is good, I just wonder if it would be better if you showed more of the shadow to the right. Everything seems really "centered" IMO. Other than that its a good picture I like the shadows on her face
I like the setting of 1 and 2 but the issues I have with them is the foreground in each is blown out a little bit, perhaps having a longer exposure and closing down the aperture might help by keeping the foreground and background in focus and giving a nice, smooth, sweeping motion of the water. The third picture is good, I just wonder if it would be better if you showed more of the shadow to the right. Everything seems really "centered" IMO. Other than that its a good picture I like the shadows on her face

Thanks for your time and input. I tried closing down the aperture and going with a slow shutter but the picture kept coming out real bright. I compensated -2 but, but still came out bright. I find the 2 pictures are kind of dull, not alive if that makes sence. How would i improve that?

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