Pictures Blurry for some reason...


TPF Noob!
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm shooting with an XTi. For some reason my images are coming out blurry... Last night i was playing with my speedlight and I took some pictures of myself and they came out blurry... ISO was on 400 and it was on a Tripod... Now my Tripod is a little unstable(top shakes), so im wondering if that could be the problem? Any help is apprecaited!

I can post the pics if need once I get off work. Thanks!
i know on my nikon, when i have it on aperture priority with my SB600 flash, it'll still use a shutter speed of like 60 when i'm inside at night with just tungsten lamps on. that could be an issue- what was your shutter speed?

also, you should always use the timer when shooting anything on a tripod under 1/80 because even the teensiest wiggle on the tripod will cause some major blur. so set up the shot, set the timer for like 5 or 10 seconds and then shoot. i like to have the timer at at least 10 seconds to give the camera and tripod enough time to come to a full stop from any wiggles.
Yeah definitely post some photos, along with the EXIF data either in the photo still or by hand.
I'm shooting with an XTi. For some reason my images are coming out blurry... Last night i was playing with my speedlight and I took some pictures of myself and they came out blurry... ISO was on 400 and it was on a Tripod... Now my Tripod is a little unstable(top shakes), so im wondering if that could be the problem? Any help is apprecaited!

I can post the pics if need once I get off work. Thanks!
Was that indoor or outdoor? my lens tends to get foggy when it's cold and moist. just wipe it off with a tissue
That's your problem, your camera is moving.
Thats what I was thinking the problem was. Im gonna try to take a shot on the table and see if its blurry then. If not then I know its Tripod.

Thanks for the help everyone!

Oh and ill post the pics so everyone can see what happened.

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