Pictures in Digital Format Question


TPF Noob!
Jun 10, 2003
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Holland, MI
I am new to this website and have been wanting to find something like this for quite some time. Can you please help me with a couple of basic (almost embarrassing) questions? I don't own a digital camera yet and just have an SLR, but I would like to submit some photos to someone and I am trying to figure out if I will be able to meet their requirements.

1. If my pictures are in digital format, does this mean that they can be taken with a digital camera OR scanned into the computer from a hardcopy of the picture?

2. I do not own a Macintosh computer but I need to have my photos in a digital format for Mac. Can I just save the files that I scan in as a .pct, .msp, or .mac file? If yes, which file format is the best?

Thanks so much for listening and the opportunity to ask my questions!!
1. If my pictures are in digital format, does this mean that they can be taken with a digital camera OR scanned into the computer from a hardcopy of the picture?

Digital format doesn't mean it was taken with digital camera. Any flatbed scanner these days will be more than enough to create a "digital image"

2. I do not own a Macintosh computer but I need to have my photos in a digital format for Mac. Can I just save the files that I scan in as a .pct, .msp, or .mac file? If yes, which file format is the best?

No need to save it in a special format for mac. If it is a JPG or TIFF or many other image types the Mac will have no problem with the file.
also, any photo lab now days can take your negatives and put them on disc in jpeg format.

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