Please Read This!!!


TPF Noob!
Oct 13, 2007
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This is urgent!!!
It is regarding my own X-mas present :)
Ive been looking at the forums and reading Pop Photo reviews and all kinds of buyer's guides and im wondering wether I sohuld go for the D40x over the D40.

I want to know if the 10 mp really makes a big difference. I will likely be making prints.
This will be my first DSLR and im very excited about that.

Should I be looking at other makes such as Pentax, Canon, Olympus?
Or is the D40x the best way to go?
I dont really care that the D40x doesnt have the AF motor in the body, so please dont try to dissuade me from buying it.
If the D40x isnt the best I can get for that price please tell me what other cameras I sohuld be looking at in the 800$ range.

Thank you so much Photo Forum!!
What kind of lenses do you have?

My friend has the D80, and if you can afford it, along with some good lenses, you will be rockin'!!
Given the choice between the D40 and D40x, I would have to ask you what you are planning on using it for.

The x model obviously has more megapixels, and a slightly expanded ISO range (100 is the lowest, as opposed to 200 on the D40) but it has slightly more noise at higher ISO's and it also has a slower flash sync speed (I like the 1/500th of a second on the D40).

Neither has FP syncing with external Nikon flashes so the x is more limited in daytime flash exposures... if you plan on shooting a lot of fill flash, this is important.

The x has a slightly higher frame rate, but only SLIGHTLY... neither one of them is blazingly fast or terribly slow, so this doesn't make much difference. Both have the 3 focus sensors, although the image processor of the x is slightly better.

Neither have (as you mentioned) the AF motor in the body, nor DOF Preview, Top LCD, Mirror Prerelease, LCD cover, Front Command dial and no bracketing... so that's not an issue either.

Basically, if you have the extra money buy the x. If you don't, then don't... given that you are going to buy one or the other.

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