Plz help


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I just got a Cannon Powershot SX30 IS. I wanna take pics like the sample below. Is it possible to do it with the camera I have and if so what set ups can I mess around with to achieve this type of image. Thanks for any advice or tips. :D

If its got a Manual or Av setting,you'll be able to do simular shot's.
The DOF in those samples may not be obtainable with the camera but you could add it in post process.
Yea my camera has bout Manual n AV modes
Yeah, the DOF on those shots is razor thin. I do not think you will be able to achieve those shots, maybe close to them, but not exactly.

The problem with your setup is the max aperture is 2.7 at the lenses widest focal length. Taking a shot this wide will cause you two problems- 1. you will need to be very close to the dog. 2. you will have all types of distortion from being so close.

If I had to guess. I would say those images were taken with a 85mm 1.8 or 1.4 lens close to, if not, wide open.

also, the pic posting police are gonna tell you to post a link to the images if they are not yours (which I am guessing they are not)

so pretty much I have to add the blurr effect in Photoshop?
Just a heads up!

We are not allowed to post photos we don't own.

It's ok to post a link to someone else's image though.

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