Poppa Oriole feeding the kids


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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This nest is a short walk from the house, I've been going down with my tripod and watching for a bit. With luck, I'll get to document the babies growing up.
Oddly enough I have yet to see the female at the nest, I only see the male going back and forth bringing bugs for the babies and removing the leftovers...

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Nice capture. Well done. Looking forward to seeing more photos.
Beautiful bright, colourful shot and wonderful moment captured as well 👍
Thanks, all!

I've had a chance to do some observations and noticed a pattern.
The male (still the only one I've seen at the nest) will land in a tree other than the one the nest is in and higher up. I believe he's scoping out the area to make sure it is safe.
Then he lands in the tree with the nest but in a different part. Then he starts calling and he will not approach the nest until the babies respond.
Then its feeding time!

I got this earlier today and you can see the babies are already noticeably bigger.

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2 shiny brand new little beaks for the world hey, enjoy watching them grow this season🤪.
Beautiful! I love the orange in the middle of all that green.
Good work at 300mm! 🏆

Thank you, sir!

But it is actually a 600mm shot. I am using an older Tamron 300mm/f2.8 with a Tamron 2x tele-converter. For reasons unexplained, my carera recognizes the lens but not the addition of the tele-converter.

I can handhold the whole rig if I have to but these shots are all with a tripod.

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