I personally would like her to have a little bit more of an elegant pose; I think it would be more flattering to her as well as match the location and the wardrobe. The pose she's in looks just a bit uncomfortable to me. Posing her so that the side of her body is facing you rather than having her square to the front and leaning back like she is would give her body more shape and add some angles to the overall image composition, and it would also slim her down a little (not to say she needs to lose weight because she doesn't, it's just a bit more flattering to a model when you pose their bodies in ways that slim them down a bit rather than adding weight. Square to the camera can add a few pounds unless she uses her hands to cinch her waist and pops her hip out a bit, or if she leans toward to camera instead of away from it). I would also try to avoid having the model lean away from the camera. When a model is wearing heals, I tend to try and have the high heel show as well; high heels create a nice flattering shape to the foot and calve, and in my opinion when capture from the front like in this shot it sort of makes the feet look very awkwardly shaped, almost like a small shovel with a thick handle.
The lighting is decent, but I would suggest placing it at a higher angle in order to better sculpt and shape her features. I also feel that you could give the white balance a slightly warmer tone and give the colors a little bit more richness in tone.