Presets/Editing help!


TPF Noob!
Nov 1, 2013
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I am in love with the tones of this photograph. Does anyone have any tips for achieving something similar, or know any lightroom presets that would achieve this?
I see nothing in this picture that would require presets or any editing techniques. Maybe go warm on the temp slider and red on the hue slider.
Is it the shades from white to black you're impressed with ? could you elaborate more on what you wish to achieve ? BTW .If this photo is not Owned by you ,You may wish to change it to a link .
Welcome to the forum.

The whites look pretty white to me, so I'd agree that there doesn't appear to be any 'special' editing here. I hope you're not falling into the trap that many people do...which is thinking that photos are made & mastered on a computer. We see a lot of people asking similar questions...what do they have to do (in post processing) to get the look of this photo or that photo.

9 times out of 10, the answer lies not in post processing, but in the actual taking of the photo. Lighting, exposure, composition etc.

In this case, I think what you are 'in love' with, is the choice of background combined with the choice of clothing color combined with the choice to shoot in very soft lighting (overcast sky probably). All of those things were chosen at or before the time the photo was created....not afterward on the computer.
This is about 90 percent styling. Note the colors of:

building frame right
trees/leaves frame left

These are all muted/desaturated oranges (brown is merely a very dark orange)

Then we find the jeans, which are a muted/desaturated blue, which is complementary to orange.

Overall, this is well styled in a palette of desaturated colors. Use the saturation control, but start out with a well styled picture.

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