Primary Colors for C&C


TPF Noob!
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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These photos were taken this morning in the bright sunshine. The blue was at f/8 and the red & yellow at f/11. I was trying to use the flowers in my boxes showing primary colors with doing as much composition in the camera so I had as little cropping as possible to leave large files for printing. Thanks for looking and all C&C is welcome and appreciated.



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I like the last one with the yellow and blue contrast. Yellows could use some toning down.
I like the first one best
1. I like this one a lot. The compostion is pleasing to the eye, you got all your primary colors in the shot and since the yellow flower is the more delicate, none of the colors over power the others. The bit of texture the dustymiller in the background adds is nice too.

2. This one doesn't seem as interesting to me as far as overall composition and the one spent blue flower, or perhaps its a bud just openeing is a bit distracting.

3. I like the composition, but I feel the blue overpowers the yellow too much - maybe if there were a yellow flower at the bottom it would balance it a bit, but thats just my opinion.

Nice work.
Thanks to everyone for their replies. Dagwood56, I agree with everything you've said. Funny how we don't see the problems until someone points them out. This is why I find C&C so helpful. We learn by our mistakes and try to correct it next time. Thank you.

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