Prodpi Error- "Unable to Launch"


TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking here for a while and just created my account yesterday.

Anyhow, I have a question...I downloaded (well, attempted to) Prodpi earlier and got an error message..."unable to launch." I sent them an email, but in the meantime does anyone have any suggestions?

I am choosing to use prodpi because my wedding photographer used them to print my wedding photos and I loved them. I have heard great reviews about mpix too, so maybe I should try them instead?
I honestly have never heard or prodpi. I have used 2 different places so far. Nations Photo Lab was the first place, but I changed in the past year over to Bay Photos. I am very pleased with the selection of things they offer, their customer service is FANTASTIC, and the prints I get back are great!

Its not an all inclusive place though, The customers order through me, I upload the order, pay for them and receive the pictures back. There are different choices, but no member ship fees, They dont take a percentage of any of the orders etc.

It all depends on how you work things, because I do this as more of a hobby I dont want to be paying for something I hardly use.
What OS are you running? ProDPI roes runs on Java on top of pretty much any major os, we have seen some issues with launch if your version of Java needs updating. Let me know and we will get you going!

I've never heard of Bay Photos. I will have to look into it. Thanks for the tip!

Jeff, I am using Windows 7 (booo). I have updated Java. Maybe it's just my yucky Win7?
It's actually bay photo but they are amazing with prints! The quality is the highest i've seen. You can also use mpix for regular prints. GL

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