Profoto Monolight


TPF Noob!
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi, I'm new here, but not to photography. Dabbling with some vintage Nikons and Hassleblads.

Question I have. A pal of mine has alot of old lighting equipment and gave me this Profoto ComPactPlus to play around with. There is no wattage anywhere on it -- I know Profoto makes 1200w, 600w, and 300w. I've called and emailed Profoto to ask about the wattage, as I want to know what I am using. Been days and I've not heard back.

When I removed the cover and glass dome, the bulb inside is a 120v/150 watt halogen. Does this mean I have a 150w unit?

Thanks for any help!
I believe the CompactPlus is a 600 Watt-second monolight. They also made a CompactPlus SPECIAL, a 1200 Watt-second unit.

The 120v/150 Watt nomenclature refers to the type of AC current the unit is designed for (as in up to 120 volt AC current, as opposed to 220 volt) and the 150 is Watts for the modeling lamp.
When I removed the cover and glass dome, the bulb inside is a 120v/150 watt halogen. Does this mean I have a 150w unit?

There should also be a flash tube as well as the modeling light. Is there one?
Thanks for the info. I am woefully ignorant of lighting equipment.
Yes, there is a flash tube.
I'd go with Derrel's analysis. The unit is designed to produce 600Ws (watt-seconds) (at peak power) of light in the flash. The modeling light is 150 watts, (not Ws). The flash can be adjusted down to less power as required, down to 1/16 of that peak power. I do not know if the modeling light is automatically adjusted downward in conjunction with the flash, but some can do that.

Congratulations on your new light!

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