

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 22, 2012
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Sioux Falls, SD
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One last one from Denver. I saw the taller building and almost walked past it until I noticed the church tower through the trees. Really glad I walked back to it. The tower was built literally feet from the old church.

As always, comments welcome.

IMG_3350a by breckmiller, on Flickr
I personally like this for the architecture, which I think your captured and conveyed well. Love the black & white shot and the smaller details in the tower and the glass. The angle and perspective, I wasn't really sure about.. but for me it didn't take anything away from the interest of the building. I'm sure you'll get more feedback on it from those with a better eye.. but I like it.
That's pretty good.

Would I like it more straightened to vertical? No, that would make it worse.

Would I like it more with some clouds? Nope. They'd just distract.

Would I like it more with different light? Maybe. The church tower feels like it could use a little sumpthinsumpthin to bring it up a little. Maybe.
Thanks for the comments. I did play a little with straightening it, but it just didn't work. I think it needs the soaring feeling.

As for the light, unfortunately my schedule didn't allow another time of day after I found it. As is, the sun was just behind the top of the tower and creates the corona effect (?) in the sky, which I think gave the sky just enough interest. Another time of day and I would have lost that. I did adjust some levels masked just to the church tower, which helped a lot - it was pretty flat in the shadow of the taller tower. I'm interested to hear ideas though on tweaking that.

If nothing else, I could always throw a good, heavy vignette on it. ;)

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