
Space Face

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 7, 2020
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Gotta be out most favourite sea birds.

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Oy! It looks like me matey's been oot an aboot! Nice shots of a very cool looking bird to go along with me coffee. Thanks for sharing.
nice! one of my favorite birds as well. the third is my favorite, i love the pose. great detail in all of them.
Very nice! Nothing quite so colorful here. And I love their books!

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Oy! It looks like me matey's been oot an aboot! Nice shots of a very cool looking bird to go along with me coffee. Thanks for sharing.


Not this years crop. Hopefully here soon tho. Unfortunately, they are in decline. Global warming gets blamed but I don't buy that. They're a hardy wee species and I'm sure they'll see it though.

Cheers China.
jealousy!!!!!!!! Was scheduled for a puffin excursion up in Maine last year but it got canceled due to covid.
Thanks. I'm lucky to have a cliff top nature reserve about a five minute drive/hour walk from me. The numbers there aren't great and getting close enough is a challenge but they are always just great to see.

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