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Sep 13, 2013
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United States, PNW
Can others edit my Photos
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Heard so many people talking about this place in the couple of years I've lived in Portland, OR.

Decided to actually go see where it was - and saw this nice silhouette. I should have perhaps waited until people were more symetrical to make a "nicer" image, bah hey - can't win 'em all when you're on a 15 minute lunch break from work!

I like the shading but the composition is lost on me my eyes go everywhere there is no focal point, I dont know what I am supposed to look at, what you wanted to show me, what drew you to this scene.When taking a picture it helps to ask yourself what is my subject here and make sure that comes across.
It's nice, it's fun, but doesn't quite hit one out of the ballpark for reasons mentioned above.
It's kind of a jumble alright. I think it just feels too dark. Maybe re-processing it in another way might help. The reflections on the floor--maybe those could be brought out more with higher contrast? Maybe some dodging to bring out a hint of details in some of the darker areas?

As you mentioned, it doesn't have very compelling people in it...their arrangement doesn't seem appealing or serendipitous, just haphazard.

This **is** however, a good "background", where one could easily wait for something interesting to happen in front of, sort of the old travel photographer's trick of finding an interesting physical location, getting the camera set up and ready, and then waiting until an interesting person or people comes by, and then making pictures.

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