question of the day


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2006
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in the middle of north carolina
Can others edit my Photos
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The question of the day, to which there is no right answer. At least I don't think so. Anyway here it is.

What is the difference between an "Artist" and a yuppie soccer mom with a nikon Digital camera????

Between an "Artist" and a 711 clerk with a canon DSLR

And is there any...

This is just an opinion question there is no right or wrong answers. Your answer will probably depend on where you are in your own life at the exact moment you write your answer.
Only time can answer that one - Posterity is the judge of Art.
All other opinions are just personal preference (or bias) ;)
mysteryscribe said:
What is the difference between an "Artist" and a yuppie soccer mom with a nikon Digital camera????

One is loaded, the other lives on baked beans for most of thier lives.

mysteryscribe said:
Between an "Artist" and a 711 clerk with a canon DSLR

One is less pretentious than the other ;) ..........

..... dont know who these 711 clerks think they are anyway :lol:
mysteryscribe said:
It was framed to get a personal response hertz not historical.
To be pedantic (my middle name) the question as you framed it is actually rhetorical.
But my answer was a personal response anyway. Can I help it if I think in absolutes? :mrgreen:

I'm a Mom.
My 5 year old boy likes soccer and he'll probably play in the fall.
I'm definately not "loaded".
I've never owned a Nikon- I prefer Canon.
I have a digital SLR. (which I mainly use for the kids)
I have worked at 7 Eleven (twice once in VA and once in CA)
I went to college for photography.

Where do my pictures hang? On the wall where else ;) ha ha

So I'm a non-starving non-loaded artistic photographer mom!!! :lmao:
I think an artist is a person who brings forth emotion in others or themselves via some form of media.

The "artist" uses thier art to make money, and can barely afford to buy a hot dog.
The 7/11 clerk uses thier hot dogs to make money, and can barely afford to make art.

Soccer moms are art.

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