Random Selection, BW Galleon, Sunrise etc, Cornwall, UK


TPF Noob!
Mar 13, 2008
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Westcountry UK
Can others edit my Photos
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Here is just a random selection of the photographs I took last year.

Comments & critique are welcome.

1/ Old tallship / galleon coming into the harbour, just caught this by chance. (As usual in this part of the world, very misty and heavy drizzle)


2/ I like the contrast here between the old and the new:


3/ Cornwall Bluebells, Enys Woods near Penryn, a very old town that received it's charter in 1236:


4/ Elevated photograph of a local fishing boat taken using my 52' tall tripod:


5/ 5am near Tregony, Cornwall, sunrise through the early morning fog:


6/ Sunrise 5am on the upper reaches of the River Fal in Cornwall, UK:


7/ Near Truro, Cornwall at 4:45am:


8/ Early morning mist:


9/ Bluebells again:


10/ Another low altitude aerial / elevated photograph taken at Fowey at 7am, using the zoom from a fully extended tripod height of 52':


For those of you interested in elevated photography, I'll make a separate thread about this subject at some point in the next day or two, explaining how it works, the equipment used etc.

By all means, I would appreciate your comments on these few photographs, which ones you like etc, or not as the case may be and why.

Will post up some more images in the next day or so.

Many thanks.

I like 7. The layers of fog complicate the picture, which I like.

I've noticed that a lot of your photos deal with fog, such as 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. I feel that 7 works because SOMETHING is in focus, the grass. However, in a lot of your other photos, there is nothing in focus, not necessarily because of your error, but just because the fog is between it and the camera. This doesn't help my eyes, as they roam the picture looking for something to rest on, and not finding it. Like in 5, I want to see the horse, but it's fuzzy because of the fog...

One suggestion: you seem to like to center things in your photographs: centered ship, centered tree. Many times, it is not as appealing as pictures that utilize the rule of thirds, such as 5.

That being said, you have a wonderful range of photographs here.
I love number 8. But...I wish the top of the frame was a bit cleaner. A bit of a crop, not much at all, and you'll have the top cleaned up nicely. I'd consider the crop, at least. But hey, it's your shot, and it's good. Just not great. Good series.
52' tripod?!! JEEZUS!!!!

#4 looks like a toy boat lol
I like 7. The layers of fog complicate the picture, which I like.

I've noticed that a lot of your photos deal with fog, such as 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. I feel that 7 works because SOMETHING is in focus, the grass. However, in a lot of your other photos, there is nothing in focus, not necessarily because of your error, but just because the fog is between it and the camera. This doesn't help my eyes, as they roam the picture looking for something to rest on, and not finding it. Like in 5, I want to see the horse, but it's fuzzy because of the fog...

One suggestion: you seem to like to center things in your photographs: centered ship, centered tree. Many times, it is not as appealing as pictures that utilize the rule of thirds, such as 5.

That being said, you have a wonderful range of photographs here.

There is quite a bit of fog here yes, unfortunately, it's often a very thick, clammy, wet and cold fog, drizzle, which just soaks through everything.

Appreciate all the comments in this thread and the point about the cropping as well.

Enjoy the easter weekend everyone!

Kindest regards.

Great shots you have here! I especially love number 5 & 7, the fog works really well here and makes for such a great atmosphere. The forest photos with the purple carpet of flowers are wonderful as well. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed looking at them! Keep them coming! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Ann :sillysmi:
Great shots. I love the first 2 of the old ship in b/w.

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