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Remember this "PERFECT BRIDE" thread???


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2008
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In between her...
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Some of the newer members probably don't know about but some of the vets here, remember this picture? Remember the story? I was at the National Cathedral and outside, seems like many photogs bring their couples to take shots. As they finished their shoot and were leaving the bride saw me with the camera and asked me to take a picture. As I was leaving I showed them the pic and they really liked it and took my card and said I could use the picture on my website. I never heard from her again. She seemed like a nice girl.

Now the question begins. I am not stupid enough to actually use her picture on my brochure as I've never head from her. I then would have asked her to sign a release form. But since she given me her verbal release to actually use it on my website, should I go ahead and use it in one of the galleries?? It wouldn't be in my main page but in the wedding section as I'm selecting 15-20 random wedding shots I've taken.

The worst that could happen is, if any, the other photog that were there might not like it. I doubt the bride would care because I told her upfront, I can't use the picture on my website. She repeated "its fine, you can use it it's a beautiful picture". Now if she changes her mind, she'd most likely contact me and ask me to remove it. I'll probably do so at that point. But for the time being, I am thinking of using it.

What do you guys think? And yes I know the whole model release form deal. My question is should I take a chance?

I would use it, Its a beautiful picture and she told you that you could use it, and if by chance she contacts you and wants it taken down take it down. I think you would be ok besides maybe if she does contact you you can offer to order it as a print for her and maybe drum up some future baby sessions ;)
Was it in public, did she have a reasonable expectation to privacy. I say use it.
Of course you can put her on your website. Why couldn't you???
Amazing picture. I would say use it!! And as swedburg stated, if she does contact you offer her a print or something to keep it and gain a client.
Definitely use it. Wouldn't it be like if I went to Times Square and snapped a shot of someone while they were looking in my direction (and waving)?
I don't think using a poorly framed snapshot on your website would be harmful.
I don't think using a poorly framed snapshot on your website would be harmful.

Bitter, go screw your self. I am putting you on ignore list. I have tried to make peace with you like 3X and you never responded to my PM. Do you ever have any constructive help? 90% of your thanks come from useless threads.
I don't think I'd use the words "Poorly framed snapshot", but I don't see the big deal about this picture. It's nice, yes, but if there's nothing to go with it on your website (the rest of the wedding), I think it's going to look out of place... The large amount of headroom, the bench in the background, clipped dress, blown highlights, expressions on faces and the other person in the picture make it more of something that would mean more to the bride as part of a set rather than just a stunning stand-alone picture. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I could do better. I think the one in the gazebo was much better. This is, of course, just all my opinion.
It's better then any of the photos from my wedding, and my parents had to pay over 4k. It does seem to have alot of extra room up top, but overall I love the whole picture! It's fun, and if it were me...I'd buy it from you :)
I say use it.
You can use it on your website. Especialty when she smile and salute the camera. That is an physical agreement and she now that you are taking a photo of her.

You can use it.
I don't think using a poorly framed snapshot on your website would be harmful.

Bitter, go screw your self. I am putting you on ignore list. I have tried to make peace with you like 3X and you never responded to my PM. Do you ever have any constructive help? 90% of your thanks come from useless threads.

I am new here, and it's hard to tell by first impressions, so I wasn't about to spout off about this guy based on that.

But now that I see a guy whose posts I've seen to be very down to earth say this...and my first impression seems to be solidified lol...thanks for that!

I've yet to see him post anything of value, and when I looked through his recent post list it's a joke...

BTW, love the pose Mo
Thanks guys! I shall use it :)

Bitter. Thanks.
Mstiwnkles, your made me laugh harder than Bitter...enough said

Schwetty, don't let Bitter get you worked up. You should be smarter than that. (that goes to everyone else around here)

OOHHH EMMM GEEEEE! The bride's dress is cut off! Blwon out hilights......What magazine posted that CRAP?!?!? Actually I'd put more examples up as I have 3 different wedding magazines sitting right next to me but I think you can do your own DD.


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I wasn't being mean. I wasn't saying it was a bad picture. I was just saying you had a better one IMHO in the gazebo picture. And it is my opinion that one picture of a bride in a wedding section of a website would stick out with no other ones of the same wedding.

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