Reversing my lens..NEED HELP!


TPF Noob!
May 30, 2017
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Hello! I recently bought a reversing ring and am attempting to figure out how to use it. I have a Nikon D80 with an AF-S Nikkor 18-135 mm 1:3.5-5.6 G ED lens. I reverse it and cqn see through the viewfinder, but when i take the picture there is just black on the screen. I do not know whats wrong. I have the aperature tab opened all the way. HELP!
What mode are you shooting in? Auto? Manual?
What shutter speed are you shooting it at? Because when you are set to minimum aperture you need a longer shutter speed to keep the lens open long enough to allow any light in to get an exposure.

If you're shooting this lens reversed its probably set to something like f22. Set you camera on a tripod (or a level surface) and set the shutter speed to 1second and take a picture.

See what happens.
Also, your viewfinder is probably bumping up the iso to see the image in liveview but when the image is actually taken your shutter speed and iso are going to be what help you properly expose the image at ~f22...
What shutter speed are you shooting it at? Because when you are set to minimum aperture you need a longer shutter speed to keep the lens open long enough to allow any light in to get an exposure.

If you're shooting this lens reversed its probably set to something like f22. Set you camera on a tripod (or a level surface) and set the shutter speed to 1second and take a picture.

See what happens.

OP said the lens is wide open.
What shutter speed are you shooting it at? Because when you are set to minimum aperture you need a longer shutter speed to keep the lens open long enough to allow any light in to get an exposure.

If you're shooting this lens reversed its probably set to something like f22. Set you camera on a tripod (or a level surface) and set the shutter speed to 1second and take a picture.

See what happens.

OP said the lens is wide open.

True. Sounds to me as if you might be shooting in Auto and expecting an image. Change to manual, bump up your shutter speed and your ISO and see if you can get any type of exposure. Then adjust accordingly.
Manual exposure and stop down exposure. You will probably have to experiment with exposure settings since the camera probably won't meter with a reversed lens.
No aperture ring on G lenses. Reversed, they're stuck at minimal aperture with no way to open them up.

Solution? Cheapest would be to get an old manual Nikon lens if close-ups are what you're after. The superb but ancient 55/3.5 Micro Nikkor can be used un-reversed on your camera.Exposure will be trial-and-error since there's no metering.

Just be aware there's no connection--mechanical or electronic--between your D80 and a reversed lens.
No aperture ring on G lenses. Reversed, they're stuck at minimal aperture with no way to open them up..........

You can either hold it open by pushing the aperture tab on the lens. Or, buy a BR-6 and a cable release to make the process easier.
That's unworkable and/or impractical. An old lens allows far more precise aperture control, likely for less $$$.
That's unworkable and/or impractical. An old lens allows far more precise aperture control, likely for less $$$.

Unworkable? Wow. Pushing a little metal tab is unworkable? I suppose pushing a little metal button to take a photo is unworkable as well?

A BR-6 and a cable release can be had for around fifty clams. Not many good legacy glass can compete with that. And will work on ALL F-mount Nikkors except the new E-glass.
What shutter speed are you shooting it at? Because when you are set to minimum aperture you need a longer shutter speed to keep the lens open long enough to allow any light in to get an exposure.

If you're shooting this lens reversed its probably set to something like f22. Set you camera on a tripod (or a level surface) and set the shutter speed to 1second and take a picture.

See what happens.
That totally worked!! The shutter speed is now 1 second and it is picking up the light. Now i just need a tripod !! Haha thanks everyone

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