Reworked my picture of my old cat

It's touching that you are so dedicated to making your cat look its very best!

Very affectionate capture. You did well with the white fur.
You have a beautiful kitty!! :heart: :hug::

I think he/she could use a little more contrast, but that's just my personal opinion. I like contrasty things. :lol:
I agree with needing a little more contrast. The white background and white fur are so close together.

Maybe something like this?

Original- $Animal_13.jpg

Edit- $Animal_132.jpg
As others have stated, it is a very pretty cat. Nice portrait shot of it.
Lovely portrait of a cute kitty, I like the improvement of editing contrast done by Parker.
Many thanks you all!!
Very nice edit Parker219.
This contrast on the cat was a little what I first ended up with but I feelt it to be a little to much so I toned down the contrast on the body a little but kept more on the head.
But the cut between the background and the white furr looks nice in yours.
Contrast etc is often the hardest part especially when one don't have a professional monitor and calibrator.
And what I see can look quite different for someone else.
I have only eye calibrated my monitor after my scanned darkroom prints.
Orderd digital prints have matched quite well to my monitor so I guess this have worked quite well.
But it was quite the diffurence between the defult settings.
Thats why I reedited this print and see if I revisit this one for edit nr three :)

Keep on snapping.

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