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Ring Flash for Sigma 150 Macro.


TPF Noob!
Dec 9, 2010
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Kolkata, India
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Want to buy a flash (Ring flash ?) to use with my Sigma 150mm Macro on a Nikon D90. This lens has a 72 mm filter size.

72mm mounting does not seem to be a standard for the ring flashes.

Please help by suggesting a not too high priced unit with details of adapters and a how to use. A link to a decent DIY would also be helpful.

Am located in Kolkata, India

Want to buy a flash (Ring flash ?) to use with my Sigma 150mm Macro on a Nikon D90. This lens has a 72 mm filter size.

72mm mounting does not seem to be a standard for the ring flashes.

Please help by suggesting a not too high priced unit with details of adapters and a how to use. A link to a decent DIY would also be helpful.

Am located in Kolkata, India


Most of the Ring flashes I know of, have filter ring adapters included with the flash. The Sigma flash does. I have a cheap Phoenix ring light and it came with adapters. Even if you find one that does not come with them. You can buy Step-up, or step-down filter rings fairly inexpensivly online.
As for a recommendation and inexpensive. You can find off-brand flashes like my Phoenix for $100 US dollars. Not sure of price differences to India. You will want to make sure they are I-TTL compatable. Or you will have to use the flash in maual mode. Which really isn't that big of a deal unless your trying to catch live / moving subjects. But for things like flowers and such. Having to maunally set the flash is not that big of a deal. Since going to Digital more and more. I have basically quit using the Phoenix and bought a Nikon R1- wireless set.
As for ring light use. Its just like a normal flash. You mount the unit on top of the camera. Mount the ring-light to the end of the lens. In some cases like your lens, you will need a filter ring adapter. A wire runs from the flash head to the ring light. From there its like any other flash use. Of course the output of light is much lower than a standard flash. But with macro distances to short normal flash range, they are more than powerfull enough.
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Why the ring flash? What is your experience level with flash photography?

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